Friday, July 30, 2010

Locally Toned/ Experience Berlin with Teresa Foley- Check it out!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

9/11 - 11/9 Exhibition Curated by Jo-Wood Brown/ Berlin Collective Artist Conversation Documentary Coming Soon...

Artist Exchange International

Shortly after 
9/11, I was curious as to what was happening with the
work of artists’ friends of mine, who lived and had studios near the
World Trade Center.  I got in touch with the critic Lilly Wei, who
lived in the same area, and she recommended more artists to contact.
To begin a discussion around this work, I received a grant to bring
artists from around New York to studios in Lower Manhattan.

In 2002 I founded what became Artist Exchange International to enlarge this discussion  between New York City’s artists and artists around the world and between artists and their communities through exhibition and panel.

AEI sponsored a number of exchanges: art exhibitions, studio visits,
and panel discussions.  These events have included such museums as the
Metropolitan Museum in New York and the Van der Heydt Museum in
Wuppertal.  Other exchanges involved artists from Belfast Northern
Ireland, and Wuppertal Germany.  We like to imagine artists talking to
one another individually, talking as one group to another group, and
talking as members of the present to the art-historical tradition.

The name of this exhibition "Berlin 
11/9 – 9/11 New York" suggests the symmetries and asymmetries we are exploring in our latest exchange.Two cities, two dates (and two ways of writing the name of a date);
fall 1989 and fall 2001 and falling structures, and the common
questions that people ask on such stupifying occasions: What story
just ended? What is the new story that just began?

Jo Wood Brown, Curator

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Our Last Berlin Collective Exhibition Event Review: Check it out!

Artist Matthew Weinstein's Exhibition @ Nolan Judin Gallery: 
Open until July 17th in Berlin:

Friday, July 2, 2010

X-TRA Magazine hits Berlin!

Writers and Contributors are in Berlin for 2 weeks:

For information on X-TRA, please contact: